Sense the Sun in every corner of the Rhodes Island.

Either you believe in Mythology, or you just think that all those stories belong to fairytales, you may say that there are many reasons to believe that Rhodes deserves to be called as “The island of Sun”.

You’ve may heard before that Rhodes is also known as the “Island of Sun”. This name lays its origins in the Mythology, when Zeus dedicated the island to the Greek God of the Sun, Helios. He received the place with joy and jumped into it, filling it with light and making it the brightest island of the Mediterranean Sea!

Either you believe in Mythology, or you just think that all those stories belong to fairytales, you may say that there are many reasons to believe that Rhodes deserves to be called as “The island of Sun”.

From the moment you enter in Rhodes you will realize that the statement above is true. Feel the sun touching your skin and cheering you up! After that, your day will get better at once and your journey in one of the most beautiful islands of Greece will begin properly!

When visiting Rhodes, you are going to realize that the sun lies in every corner! So, if you’ve missed the light of sun, our Bright island is the place to be!

Getting a moderate amount of Sun Exposure can be very beneficial for our health. It is really important to be cautious about the amount of time you spent in the sun, so as not to get a sunburn.

Taking that into consideration, giving the right balance of sun’s warm to your skin can benefit you in many ways. Some of them are the following:

Boosting your mood, through the increase of Serotonin, a hormone that helps you to feel happier, calm and focused.

Increase of Serotonin may also help you avoid depression and other anxiety-related disorders.

Provides you with Vitamin D, which is really important for the health of your bones. It is well-known that, in order for calcium to be beneficial for your bones, it always need to be combined with Vitamin D.

Heals an amount of Skin Conditions, such as acne, psoriasis and eczema.

And the list can just go on. But above all, let’s just face it! The sun’s warmth will just make you feel awesome and that is for sure!

So, pack up your things, get ready and let the Sun welcome you to the island of Rhodes. Enjoy!

Need some ideas about places to visit and Enjoy the Sun? We have plenty of them!