General Statement

We at Gem Travel after taking into consideration how

  • a large business can have an impact on the local community, society and economy.
  • the wellbeing of citizens is greatly affected by the operations of the local economic agents.
  • private agents’ businesses can greatly affect the micro-environment of a certain society.
  • every business has the potential to be an active part of the community.
  • the actions of a company are related to its stakeholders and affect them all.
  • what a business practices are a manifestation of its core values.

 Have founded our business policy on the principles of:


Sustainability                               a healthy and legitimate business

As a family-owned company founded in 1991, we have built our growth on good partnerships, dedicated management and respect to our employees. Constant development for the company means exact calculation of the outcome of every business decision in order to minimize risk, guarantee results to our customers and sustain a leading position in the market. Gem Travel exists on healthy financial foundations, the steady and continuous increase in turnover empowering our expansion through the years and enabling the company to have overcome major crisis situations in the tourism branch. Our business partners are offered this healthy financial environment to operate in and are benefited by our investments in means and facilities. 

Our services and inventions in the field are acknowledged by business partners and repeatedly praised or awarded by local or national Institutions and Foundations.  

Our strategies are based on having, next to business success, a positive impact on the local economy and society. Gem Travel has never and will never use any illegal or unethical means to influence third parties for imposing our interests or to accomplish our tasks.  

We will continue shaping our solid presence in the market, cultivating strong customer trust and loyal relationships and imprinting our distinctive, pioneering mark in our surroundings for the years to come.


Human Rights, Diversity and Inclusion          a non-discriminations approach                              

At Gem Travel we acknowledge and embody all Human Rights Protocols both in creating our policies as in the day-to-day management. Harassment of any kind is explicitly not tolerated. The company promotes diversity in hiring employees without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion.

We practice pay equity between our male and female employees, measure the difference in income between the highest-paid and the lowest-paid worker and promote the diversity in staff. Gem Travel has always recruited candidates from different economic or educational backgrounds, empowering both local & foreign talent and bringing diverse voices to the table along with competence and skill.


Labor Ethics                                    our capital is our employees

At Gem Travel we ensure all our employees are provided a safe, suitable, decent workplace and conditions. We view our employees as assets and value to care for their success and personal development; therefore, we invest in annual Seminars & Conferences on various topics with focus on Health & Safety, Customer Care & Quality, Transportations, Accessibility for the differently abled traveler, DMC Management, Developments in Tourism, Cybersecurity as well as in frequent Team Building & Motivation Events for all the company’s personnel.

Back- and front office crew attend frequent trainings and are certified by authorities and institutions. Gem Travel holds the ISO Certification for Road Traffic Safety Management Systems, our Fleet, Facilities and Drivers’ schooling and competence levels being in compliance with the commercial accepted standards specified in ISO 39001:2012.


Cyber Protection Promise                       a cyberjourney already begun

Gem Travel has established strict policies in protecting and securing the customer data and information maintained and hosted in our facilities. Staff have a legal responsibility to take particular care of any personal information and to comply with the GDPR regulations. A designated Cyber Security Manager ensures the application, network and system security. We maintain and continually improve our Information Security Management System for our customers’ data to be secured by personnel, procedures and technology utilized. 

Gem Travel is the first Greek DMC who has acquired the ISO Certification for Information Technology, our ISMS being in compliance with the commercial accepted standards of physical and IT technology security specified in ISO/IEC 27001:2013.


Social Engagement                                positive impact on society

At Gem Travel we wish to continuously be a sensitive recipient of our surroundings and social vibrations. We support the local community with donations of food supplies, pharmaceutical and para-pharmaceutical products to several local institutions. The company is acknowledged by a variety of local or national Associations, Foundations, Schools and NGOs for serving them with free transportation. We contribute to sports and cultural events with sponsorships or free transportation. A vision of ours is promoting accessibility and therefore we invested in adapted means and vehicles for the benefit, besides of business purposes, of the local community with mobility issues. Alongside our business’s green economics, we focus on improving the local environmental profile by financing and running dedicated and distinctive eco-oriented projects. 


Green Economics                                      a restoring footprint

At Gem Travel we are focused on reducing the environmental footprint of our indoors and outdoors operation. In all our premises (head offices, fleet terminal, airport offices) paper recycling bins have been placed and all conventional lamps were replaced with LED bulbs, reducing the electric consumption to m1.600W p/h from 8.000W p/h. By adapting new informational systems, the printing needs decreased by 1.200 sheets of paper per day and the whole operation has converted to completely paperless using only electronical devises (pc, tablets, cell phones). Alternative sources for power generation are installed.

With the new electronic monitoring system installed on all buses of the fleet, for the same as before number of transfers, we succeeded to save more than 60.000 liters of fuel. This equals to 144 Tons of CO2 emission saved from the environment. Our annual “Day to Give Back” initiates actions of tree planting, beach or forest cleaning and recycling projects.

Gem Travel presents the ISO Certification for Environmental Management Systems, our environmental performance being in compliance with the commercial accepted standards specified in ISO 14001:2015.