E-mail Policy

Notice to E-mail Recipient

Please read the following carefully as it contains the terms and conditions governing all electronic communications sent or received (as applicable) by GEM TRAVEL SA, its subsidiaries and affiliates.
GEM TRAVEL SA may amend these terms and conditions at any time without notice. You should check this webpage from time to time to review the current terms and conditions because they are binding on you.
The content of e-mails and accompanying communications and attachments sent or received by GEM TRAVEL SA (collectively, “e-mail”) are copyright protected, confidential to GEM TRAVEL SA and may contain information that is legally privileged or protected from disclosure under applicable law or agreement. Attachments that are part of an e-mail may have additional important disclosures and disclaimers, which you should read.
All e-mail from GEM TRAVEL SA may be read and used only for its intended purpose and only by the intended recipient. If you receive an e-mail in error, please (i) contact the sender immediately by return e-mail and (ii) permanently delete the email you received.
No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any mis-transmission.
Any, printing, copying, distribution, use or saving of, or taking any action based on, the information contained in any e-mail (including any reliance thereon) is expressly prohibited (except as may be expressly provided in written agreements with GEM TRAVEL SA. No rights in any GEM TRAVEL SA intellectual property are granted by virtue of your receipt of an email, and GEM TRAVEL SA reserves all such rights.
GEM TRAVEL SA and its licensors retain all intellectual property rights in all e-mails sent by GEM TRAVEL SA. You agree to take full responsibility for checking any e-mail for viruses and other harmful code, and GEM TRAVEL SA shall not be responsible or liable for any damages arising from or relating to any virus or harmful code which may be contained or embedded in any email.
GEM TRAVEL SA reserves the right to monitor all e-mails sent or received through its systems.
GEM TRAVEL SA makes no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the content, data or information contained in any e-mail and hereby disclaims any liability of any kind.
Any opinions expressed in an e-mail are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of GEM TRAVEL SA.
GEM TRAVEL SA reserves the right to archive, produce to regulators and produce in litigation or governmental or judicial inquiry any e-mails sent or received through its systems in accordance with GEM TRAVEL SA policies and applicable law, rules and regulations.
If you do not accept, and agree to be bound by, the conditions contained in this notice, you should not use e-mail to communicate with GEM TRAVEL SA.